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Movie Review: “Pump” Adds Fuel To The Fire Through The Power Of Choice


A documentary that tells the story of America’s addiction to oil, from its corporate conspiracy beginnings to its current monopoly today, and explains clearly and simply how we can end it – and finally win choice at the pump.

The no-frills title of Josh and Rebecca Tickell’s Documentary “Pump” is only the beginning of the most compelling and easily understood explanation of what drives our fuel economy and how we as consumers can be in control of our purchasing power by simply understanding the process. With the current buzz going on at the pump, there is no better time for consumers to be enlightened as to how we can keep the prices of fuel down by keeping up with the alternatives. By starting with the misconceptions of oil production and breaking them down one by one, directors Rebecca and Josh Tickell, along with a diverse panel of experts from every industry that even hints at fuel, give us both microscopic and telescopic views of the evolution of fuel in our economy.

If you’re an antique car enthusiast, the film’s vast array of classics will peak your interest at the onset and definitely set the tone for the ride through 88 minutes of a well-crafted story that fully engages you. If you are a history buff, well-documented events that impacted the price of oil and the political controversies that followed them, will prove that the cause and effect relationship was just as clear in the past as it is now. The documentary’s purpose is clear and unwavering. From the physical processing of crude oil, to the impact of its value on the stock market, Americans need to know that there are choices that we can make as consumers that will drive the economy just as much as the role of the manufacturers and distributors.

A point of clarity throughout the film is that in the last 100 years, Americans have not had a choice of fuel alternatives and the lack of choice has serious consequences. Our love of mobility has overshadowed the fact that our freedom is impacted by our dependence on the current state of fuel affairs. John Hofmeister, former President of Shell Oil U.S., along with several industry execs, shares many insider facts of how Ethanol and Methanol have proven to be viable alternatives for fuel, yet the lack of knowledge by those impacted most, has kept the fuel-flex industry from progressing in our favor. The documentary expresses how the United States is far behind China in making preparations to capitalize on the making of fuel-efficient cars that will protect our economical future, and Brazil, the most successful gasoline placement country in the world, and the country that is most like the U.S., has long taken the lead in economical growth by achieving total independence from foreign oil under the administration of Luiz Inacio Da Silva.

To say this documentary is an eye-opener, is a vast understatement. The political and socio-economic influences that control the resources we have to alter the monopoly can only be addressed by the power of influence in our pockets. With the technology and products already in place, we as consumers must flex our fuel muscles and take the industry head on. Don’t miss out on this fuel-filled opportunity to get pumped up!

Available On iTunes January 13th


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Tracee Bond

Tracee is a movie critic and interviewer who was born in Long Beach and raised in San Diego, California. As a Human Resource Professional and former Radio Personality, Tracee has parlayed her interviewing skills, interest in media, and crossover appeal into a love for the Arts and a passion for understanding the human condition through oral and written expression. She has been writing for as long as she can remember and considers it a privilege to be complimented for the only skill she has been truly able to master without formal training!