Written and directed by Mortensen, “The Dead Don’t Hurt” is a powerful and profoundly personal cinematic Western that artfully blends the action, grit, and thrills of the American West with a captivating story of two pioneers embarking on a life journey fraught with obstacles. In addition to a nuanced depiction of the conflict between revenge …
Movie Review: Viggo Mortensen’s “The Dead Don’t Hurt” Is A Calculatedly Slow-Moving But Intriguing Western
Two pioneers fight for their lives and their love on the American frontier during the Civil War.
Movie Review: You Already Know The Ending Of “Thirteen Lives” But Nevertheless Hover Breathlessly On The Edge Of Your Seat
A rescue mission is assembled in Thailand where a group of young boys and their soccer coach are trapped in a system of flooding underground caves.
Movie Review: David Cronenberg’s “Crimes Of The Future” Occasionally Intrigues But Raises More Questions Than It Answers
Humans adapt to a synthetic environment with new transformations and mutations. With his partner, Caprice, Saul Tenser, a celebrity performance artist, publicly showcases the metamorphosis of his organs in avant-garde performances.
David Cronenberg’s “Crimes Of The Future” Mutates Into Theaters June 3
Humans are learning to adapt to their synthetic surroundings in a not-so-distant future. Their biological makeup changed, and many humans have adapted to life with “Accelerated Evolution Syndrome” thanks partly to specialized equipment that aids in everything from eating to sleeping.
4K Ultra HD Review: “The Lord Of The Rings” Motion Picture Trilogy
The future of civilization rests in the fate of the One Ring, which has been lost for centuries. Powerful forces are unrelenting in their search for it. But fate has placed it in the hands of a young Hobbit named Frodo Baggins (Elijah Wood), who inherits the Ring and steps into legend. A daunting …
4K Ultra HD Review: “Green Book” Is About Bridging The Gap From The Side Of The Road
A working-class Italian-American bouncer becomes the driver of an African-American classical pianist on a tour of venues through the 1960s American South.
Movie Review: “Green Book” Is About Bridging The Gap From The Side Of The Road
[usr 3.5] A working-class Italian-American bouncer becomes the driver of an African-American classical pianist on a tour of venues through the 1960s American South.
Movie Review: “Captain Fantastic” Feels The Burn Of Freedom