Bruce Willis stars as Ron Whitlock, a wanted criminal leading a team of mercenaries on a mission of vengeance. Convinced that the government is working against them, the merciless group brutally seizes an energy plant and holds everyone inside hostage. With a nearby town on the brink of massive flooding and destruction, it’s up to …
Movie Review: “Halloween Pussy Trap Kill Kill” Is “Something Wicked This Way Comes” Down “21 Jump Street”
[yasr_overall_rating] Members of the all-girl punk rock band “Kill, Pussy, Kill!” must fight for their lives and attempt to outwit an unknown assailant after finding themselves trapped in a madman’s maze.
Movie Review: “The Horde” Is A Hodge Podge Of Horror Tropes
Movie Review: “Wishing For A Dream” Had Me Wishing For A Better Movie
Movie Review: “Pernicious” Is A Fun And Entertaining Horror Movie
Movie Review: “Buddy Hutchins” Is Not Your Friend