HBO announced today that the critically acclaimed dark comedy series “Barry” has been renewed for a fourth season. Season four will begin production in Los Angeles in June, with Bill Hader directing all eight episodes. Hader and Alec Berg are the series co-creators and executive producers.
Movie Review: A Movie Star Becomes An FBI Target After Supporting The Black Panther Party In “Seberg”
Inspired by real events about the French New Wave darling and Breathless star, Jean Seberg, who in the late 1960s was targeted by Hoover’s FBI, because of her political and romantic involvement with civil rights activist Hakim Jamal.
Movie Review: Discrimination Takes Many Forms, Including “On The Basis Of Sex”
The story of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, her struggles for equal rights and what she had to overcome in order to become a U.S. Supreme Court Justice.
DVD Review: Bill Hader Kills It As Hitman-Turned-Actor In HBO’s “Barry”
[usr 5] A hitman from the Midwest moves to Los Angeles and gets caught up in the city’s theatre arts scene.