Eddie Murphy stars in this holiday comedy adventure about a man on a mission to win his neighborhood’s annual Christmas home decoration contest. After Chris (Eddie Murphy) inadvertently makes a deal with a mischievous elf named Pepper (Jillian Bell) to better his chances of winning, she casts a magic spell that brings the 12 Days …
DVD Review: When Will The “Dog Days” Be Over?
[usr 2] “Dog Days” follows a group of interconnected people in Los Angeles who are brought together by their lovable canine counterparts.
Movie Review: When Will The “Dog Days” Be Over?
[yasr_overall_rating] “Dog Days” follows a group of interconnected people in Los Angeles who are brought together by their lovable canine counterparts.
Movie Review: “Masterminds” Is A Hilarious Undertaking By Over-Smitten Underachievers
[yasr_overall_rating] < ul>