HBO announced today that the critically acclaimed dark comedy series “Barry” has been renewed for a fourth season. Season four will begin production in Los Angeles in June, with Bill Hader directing all eight episodes. Hader and Alec Berg are the series co-creators and executive producers.
Season Three Of The Max Original Adult Animated Series “Close Enough” Debuts April 7
Season three of the Max Original adult animated series “Close Enough” debuts THURSDAY, APRIL 7th with all eight episodes.
Blu-ray Review: Wes Anderson’s “The French Dispatch” Luxuriates In Excess
A love letter to journalists set in an outpost of an American newspaper in a fictional twentieth-century French city that brings to life a collection of stories published in “The French Dispatch Magazine”.
Movie Review: “The French Dispatch” Is Mundane Oscar Bait
A love letter to journalists set in an outpost of an American newspaper in a fictional twentieth-century French city that brings to life a collection of stories published in “The French Dispatch Magazine”.
Movie Review: Wes Anderson’s “The French Dispatch” Luxuriates In Excess
A love letter to journalists set in an outpost of an American newspaper in a fictional twentieth-century French city that brings to life a collection of stories published in “The French Dispatch Magazine”.
Sundance Film Festival Review: “On The Count Of Three” Is A Truly Unique Comedy That’s Also Uplifting
Val (Jerrod Carmichael) has reached a place where he feels the only way out is to end things. But he considers himself a bit of a failure—his effectiveness lacking—so he figures he could use some help. As luck would have it, Val’s best friend, Kevin (Christopher Abbott), is recovering from a failed suicide attempt, …
DVD Review: Bill Hader Kills It As Hitman-Turned-Actor In HBO’s “Barry”
[usr 5] A hitman from the Midwest moves to Los Angeles and gets caught up in the city’s theatre arts scene.