Movie Reviews

Movie Review: “Walking While Black: L.O.V.E. Is The Answer” Asks The Question: Should Blacks Choose Love And Forgive Decades Of Police Brutality?

*Editor’s Note: Excerpts of this review could be perceived as expressions of personal views on matters of current public debate and consideration. The views and opinions expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Irish Film Critic.

As minority communities face the daily stranglehold of racial profiling, and police officers face relentless scrutiny by an anxious public, tensions mount as lines are being drawn in the sand. This conflict can only be broken by finding common ground with each other. L.O.V.E. Is The Answer.

Blacks have always been the most hated and racially targeted group, especially by police. Cops in return are the most hated group by blacks and with reason, so the idea these two will ever co-exist peacefully, despite the violent history, is beyond belief. “Walking While Black: L.O.V.E. is the Answer” poses the question, can the two groups put the past behind them and learn to love and understand one another? Can they forgive and forget past traumas, ridding themselves from deep-rooted hatred? With interviews from both black and white law enforcement, this film attempts to create understanding and compassion from both sides of the coin, hopefully broadening perspectives on the difficulty that goes along with being a police officer, especially in high-crime neighborhoods. This sounds great but do white cops truly care to understand what it’s like to be constantly profiled and brutally attacked non-stop?

The conversation of love being the solution brings up the elephant in the room, which are the issues that are never addressed such as an acknowledgment of wrongdoing, accountability, and atonement. I became so infuriated watching this film as it triggered so many emotions, witnessing police beat and kill innocent men and women for no valuable reason. I had to press pause many times just to digest the inhumane acts that have been going on since the beginning of time. In theory, everyone forgives and moves on but this is not reality. Deep-rooted hatred does not disappear overnight. Beliefs of superiority do not just vanish into thin air because of confrontation about race and how difficult the job is of a police officer. What I find despicable is that blacks are always the ones told to forget their past, forgive, and choose love. Are cops choosing love when they draw their guns? Great documentary, extremely triggering but for me, the answer is a no-brainer!


Available on Digital and VOD Friday, May 21st


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Malika Harris

Malika is a Writer from NYC who loves movies and talking about them.