An isolated teen’s life quickly spirals out of control when she is kicked out onto the streets after being gang-raped and impregnated.
This movie is about Echo, a 15 year-old girl whose life quickly spirals out of control. The movie has gritty visuals, a dark subject matter and a tragic story, that follows Echo and how she deals with being homeless after being gang-raped and impregnated by multiple unknown attackers. Her father, finding the positive pregnancy test, kicks her out of the family home, and tells her never to call or come back. With nowhere to go and nobody to turn to, Echo roams the streets looking for food and shelter.
There is no narration as the director relies much more on atmosphere and the emotions of the scenes then the actual action. “The Girl Who Wasn’t Missing” gives you the raw emotions, brings its point across beautifully and masterfully, and it tugs at your heartstrings and you feel for Echo. The movie captures this teenage girl’s life without sugar-coating it.
“The Girl Who Wasn’t Missing” is a great movie and director Shane Ryan knows how to get the audiences invested in the character. The story is thought-provoking and it has great visuals and director Shane Ryan knows how to direct and use the best environments in the movie, and he brings a sort of artistic beauty to the disturbing/shocking genre of indie film. He is able to add a stimulating visual style to a tragic tale of a sad character. That is not an easy accomplishment, Shane Ryan seems to have a knack for it.
For more information please visit http://www.madsincinema.com/the-girl-who-wasnt-missing.html