Movie Reviews

Movie Review: “Street Fighting Men” Is A Film That Forces You To Look At The Realities Of Our Society


Facing dwindling public services, growing inequality, and escalating violence, three Detroit men must fight to build something lasting for themselves and future generations.

This documentary follows three men struggling to build a better future for themselves while dealing with the harsh realities of the streets. A retired cop dedicates his life patrolling his neighborhood, eradicating crime in order to build a safer community while a young man finds inspiration in his daughter to further his education and become a better man. As basic necessities of food and shelter keep him involved in illegal activities, he must stay focused as his dreams could slowly slip through his fingers. After spending all his resources to build a foundation, a man’s hard work is set on fire and he loses everything he’s worked for.

This film did a great job of dissecting why there is so much crime in poor black communities and how poverty and struggle remain throughout generations. As there are no resources nor opportunities for basic survival needs, many are forced to rob, steal, and envelop themselves in crime in order to maintain, something other communities will never care to understand. This story was honest, real, and inspirational as these men refused to give up, no matter their circumstances but aware that the system was not set up for them to succeed.


Now streaming on Ovid and available to rent/buy on Vimeo On-Demand


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Malika Harris

Malika is a Writer from NYC who loves movies and talking about them.