Movie Reviews

Movie Review: “Eli” Does Not Have Much Of A Storyline But It Does Have Some Great Horror Effects



A boy receiving treatment for his auto-immune disorder discovers that the house he’s living in isn’t as safe as he thought.

I love a good story and you just won’t get one in this film but you will be scared by ghosts and other frightening noises that come out of nowhere. We discover that Eli (Charlie Shotwell) is told by his parents that he has a serious illness that inhibits him from being in contact with the outside world. Living in a plastic bubble, they finally find Doctor Horn (Lili Taylor) who claims she can cure him with three procedures. They arrive at the doctor’s mansion which is sterilized, allowing Eli to live freely without restrictions on the inside. Soon he begins to see ghosts in his room and is told that it’s the medication making him hallucinate.

Haley (Sadie Sink) suddenly appears outside his window and warns him that there were others who also saw ghosts. After each procedure, Eli seems to get worse as he feels sick and the ghost appears more often, eventually giving him messages in codes which he follows one day. He enters the doctor’s office to find all of the files on the children that were never cured but died and were buried in the house. After confronting his parents about the ghosts and the files, they pretend not to believe him but really they are in on everything. We find out that Eli was never sick, he is the son of the devil and they are trying to rid him of what they consider evil. Hailey turns out to be his half-sister and by the end of the movie, everyone in the theater just turned to look at each other with disappointment.

As I left the theater, I asked someone what the film was about and we just laughed. Nothing special here but horror effects and if that’s good enough for you then great. I, however, need a solid story, strong characters, and I want to be scared and I didn’t get it so don’t be in a rush to see this one.


Available to stream on Netflix Friday, October 18th


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Malika Harris

Malika is a Writer from NYC who loves movies and talking about them.