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Movie Review: “A Killer Conversation” Made Me Wish I Was Already Dead


On the same day a burglar wants to kill you and your ex wants to make up – and for the life of it, you can’t decide which is worse.

Have you ever watched a movie and thought to yourself, “Man, it would have been better if it had ended just a bit sooner”? Well, that is the case with “A Killer Conversation.” Instead of being around an hour and 20 minutes, it should have been more like only 20 minutes and that is being generous. This is one of those films that is carried almost solely by the dialogue and a handful of actors. The only three people in the movie had their moments and said a few things that made me chuckle, but I think those very few moments could have been chopped up into a short film that would have been more entertaining.

The movie was incredibly repetitive – “What about my car?” “I’m about to die!” – leaving the viewer to think, “God, just kill him already!” Not only was the storyline and acting lacking, but many of the lines were hard to understand because the actors sometimes mumbled or lowered their voice so much that I could not make out what they were saying even with my volume on full blast. Exacerbating this audio issue is the handkerchief worn by the burglar throughout the entirety of the film. In addition, many of the shots were far too close up on the actor’s faces, often chopping off pieces of them.

It was not flattering. Zooming in and out, jostling the camera, and going in and out of focus was quite distracting. I feel really mean saying this, but after watching this movie, I think David V.G. Davies – the director, editor, and cinematographer – should consider giving up film altogether or at the very least take a few more film classes. The only reason I am giving this flick one star is I did audibly chuckle a few – very few – times.


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