Movie Reviews

Movie Review: “22 July” Is Powerful, Shocking And By Far One Of The Best Films Of The Year

[usr 5]

A three-part story of Norway’s worst terrorist attack in which over seventy people were killed. 22 July looks at the disaster itself, the survivors, Norway’s political system and the lawyers who worked on this horrific case.

This is that one film you will not stop thinking or talking about long after you watch it! It will leave you completely emotionally unhinged, infuriated and disgusted with the legal system but at the same time hopeful for change.

This story details the tragic events of the 2011 Norway attacks committed by White Supremacist Anders Breivik, who wrote a 1,500 page manifesto handbook called “2083: A European Declaration of Independence,” describing his strategies on how to rid the country of so-called destruction of European culture, identities and traditions which included multiculturalism, political correctness, and Islam, just to name a few. On the 22nd of July, 2011, Breivik detonated a van bomb killing 8 people and shot 77 members of a youth summer camp.

The movie takes us through the stages of how and why he carried out this attack. It also shows the challenges the victims face and how they try to move forward. From the beginning, there is a force that pulls you in and doesn’t let go. The movie doesn’t hold back, it is graphic and bold and that’s one of the things I loved the most along with the cast, that is superb and truly come alive on screen. They make you feel every emotion possible. You feel so heavily for the victims and their families but as much as you don’t want to, you also feel for Breivik.

This movie arrived at the perfect timing. It deals with all of the issues that are relevant right now all over the world like racial tension and injustice, ignorance, and discrimination. As much as it is upsetting, I believe it will encourage others to spark change, learn tolerance, and understand cultural and religious differences and be better as a nation. Another thing I really love about this film is how it shows us that we can get through anything no matter how horrific and that love is much more powerful than hate.

Now playing in select theaters and on Netflix


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Malika Harris

Malika is a Writer from NYC who loves movies and talking about them.