The most dangerous former operative of the CIA is drawn out of hiding to uncover hidden truths about his past.
It isn’t very often a well thought out series comes to a crashing halt, especially with that series having a roster of high quality stars but “Jason Bourne” does exactly that. This summer, there have been a lot of movies with a plethora of unneeded destruction and violence which tries to hide the fact that there is an overused story or maybe, no story at all. The Bourne movies have an established storyline and characters so the story is there but this time it seems as though it was just a repetition of Bourne’s run in with Treadstone or Blackbriar. Bourne is shown to us struggling with what he did under his alias, his past is haunting him and he feels that he needs to repent, enter cliché fight scene where character takes a beating because he thinks he deserves it. Cliché, now that’s a word which describes the film perfectly. Clichéd secret agent, clichéd bad guys, clichéd secret plot to exploit the population, the film even has a clichéd car chase scene.
Pair all of that with shaky camera work and you have a recipe for mediocrity. Even the characters are mediocre. I mean, Tommy Lee Jones doesn’t even attempt to bring a new swing to the evil villain and don’t even get me started on Alicia Vikander, who plays a newbie to the series with probably the least amount of backstory for any of the characters and she is the crux of the CIA. And in what seems like a needless plot point that you can see coming a mile away, she aids Bourne in his quest for vengeance. This film is supposed to be top-tier, it is supposed to keep you on the edge of your seat, instead, it keeps you by calling key points of the film minutes ahead of when they will happen and then you begin to wonder what’s for dinner after the film.
It felt like the films were switched. It would have been understandable if a production like this would have been at the start of the series and gradually built up to an Identity quality film but sadly it isn’t like that. If this is any indication for where the series is heading (believe me, they aren’t done), then it might be best just to rent it. At least then you have the ability to fast-forward.
Available on Blu-ray & DVD Tuesday, December 6th