[yasr_overall_rating] “Buckshot” is a dark comedy that follows Charlie Stillman, a struggling country singer from New Jersey, who journeys to Nashville to follow in his father’s footsteps of becoming a country star.
Movie Review: “Eating Animals” Aims High But Falls Short
[yasr_overall_rating] An examination of our dietary choices and the food we put in our bodies. Based on Jonathan Safran Foer’s memoir.
Movie Review: “Hereditary” Presents A New Kind Of Horror Grounded In Reality
[yasr_overall_rating] When the matriarch of the Graham family passes away, her daughter’s family begins to unravel cryptic and increasingly terrifying secrets about their ancestry.
Movie Review: A Promising Premise Can’t Save “The Valley”
[yasr_overall_rating] Devastated by his daughter’s suicide, an immigrant entrepreneur working in high-tech seeks answers to his lingering questions.