“Elf” is the hilarious tale of Buddy, a young orphan who mistakenly crawls into Santa’s bag of gifts and is transported to the North Pole. Buddy is raised unaware that he is actually a human, until his enormous size and poor toy-making abilities cause him to face the truth.
DSM (Dallas Summer Musicals) is working overtime to present the joyful story of Buddy (Daniel Patrick Smith) whose world is transformed after getting caught up in Santa’s (Ken Clement) bag of gifts that is being transported back to the North Pole. While the Elves welcome Buddy into their world, they are keenly aware that he isn’t Elf material, and when he finally figures it out, he isn’t a happy Elfer. Encouraged by Santa himself, Buddy leaves the North Pole and ventures out to New York City in search of the father he never knew, in a world that he never imagined.
The immediate local reference to the Dallas Cowboys gets a hearty hometown laugh from the audience as Santa gives a realistic review of the Clauses which impede his day-to-day living. The sharing of this human side is heartwarming and sets the stage for many relationships in the story that teach valuable lessons on all levels. Director Sam Scalamoni does a wonderful job in allowing Santa to tell Buddy’s story on a child’s level with witty one-liners and whimsical appeal. The intimate one-on-one setting with the audience, hits home with both adults and children as the elevated humor is just enough to keep adults entertained while keeping children focused on the storyline.
As the story evolves, the choreographer’s (Connor Gallagher) role is vital in keeping the energy level high as the elves sing, dance and literally prance on their knees through every set. This is an amazing feat that highlights the infinite talent of the entire crew, as they adjust to highs and lows in the story (ouch!). Speaking of which, the emotional highs and lows of Buddy’s struggle to be accepted is equally balanced by the uniqueness of his character whose quirkiness promotes childhood innocence through naivety and curiosity. On the other hand, Buddy’s visit to the Angry Santa’s gripefest proves a little challenging to the spirit when a little holiday twerking and misguided stereotyping gets added to the festivities.
Overall, the good definitely outweighs the bad and this modern adaptation of “Elf the Musical” puts a nice spin on a Christmas classic and should be high on the list for a fun family outing that brings the Best of Broadway to Dallas! The Playbill accentuates a highly-trained list of actors, many who have returning roles over many seasons, which definitely provides a comfort level that makes each role believable and appreciated. The bright costumes, outstanding musical voices and warm and fuzzy reunions make for great entertainment that leaves the audience hopeful for a great holiday season and continuous support of Dallas Summer Musicals!
Now performing at the Music Hall at Fair Park December 8th thru December 20th