“Piece by Piece” is a unique cinematic experience that invites audiences on a vibrant journey through the life of cultural icon Pharrell Williams. Told through the lens of LEGO® animation, turn up the volume on your imagination and witness the evolution of one of music’s most innovative minds.
Dallas: Win Free Passes To An Advance Screening Of “Piece By Piece”
“Piece by Piece” is a unique cinematic experience that invites audiences on a vibrant journey through the life of cultural icon Pharrell Williams. Told through the lens of LEGO® animation, turn up the volume on your imagination and witness the evolution of one of music’s most innovative minds.
Houston: Win Free Passes To An Advance Screening Of “Piece By Piece”
“Piece by Piece” is a unique cinematic experience that invites audiences on a vibrant journey through the life of cultural icon Pharrell Williams. Told through the lens of LEGO® animation, turn up the volume on your imagination and witness the evolution of one of music’s most innovative minds.
Watch The Music Video For U2’s “Your Song Save My Life” From “Sing 2”
Illumination, Universal Pictures, and Republic Records have joined forces with U2 to support the nonprofit organization Education Through Music (ETM) – which provides music as a core subject for children in under-resourced schools across North America. As part of this partnership, ETM figures prominently in the music video for the first release from the soundtrack.
Movie Review: Nichelle Nichols Stars On And Off The Screen In “Woman In Motion”
Nichelle Nichols’ daunting task to launch a national blitz for NASA, recruiting 8,000 of the nation’s best and brightest, including the trailblazing astronauts who became the first African American, Asian, and Latino men and women to fly in space.
TV Review: “The Apollo” Is An Amazing Music-Rich History With Performances Like No Other
The history of New York City’s Apollo Theater in Harlem is given the full treatment.
Tribeca Film Festival Review: “The Apollo” Is An Amazing Music-Rich History With Performances Like No Other
The history of New York City’s Apollo Theater in Harlem is given the full treatment.
Movie Review: “The Grinch” Gives Christmas Back In True Whoville Fashion
[usr 3.5] A grumpy Grinch plots to ruin Christmas for the village of Whoville.