Jim Carrey stars as Truman Burbank, a man whose life is a nonstop TV show. Truman doesn’t realize that his quaint hometown is a giant studio set run by a visionary creator (Ed Harris), that folks living and working there are Hollywood actors, and that even his incessantly bubbly wife (Laura Linney) is a …
Blu-ray Review: “Ronin” Is A Plotless But Well-Acted Film From Late In The Career Of A Master Director
[yasr_overall_rating] A freelancing former U.S. intelligence agent tries to track down a mysterious package that is wanted by both the Irish and the Russians.
DVD Review: “Designated Survivor: The Complete First Season” Delivers Plenty Of Intrigue & Action
[yasr_overall_rating] A low-level Cabinet member becomes President of the United States after a catastrophic attack kills everyone above him, in the Presidential line of succession.