Caleb (Antonio Banderas), a former government assassin in hiding, resurfaces when his protégé, the equally deadly killer known as Banshee (Jaime King), discovers a bounty has been placed on Caleb’s head, which the powerful mercenary, Anthony (Tommy Flanagan) is now seeking to collect. Caleb and Banshee must put the past behind them and join together …
Blu-ray Review: “Escape Plan: The Extractors” Delivers A Slew Of Unimaginative Action
After security expert Ray Breslin is hired to rescue the kidnapped daughter of a Hong Kong tech mogul from a formidable Latvian prison, Breslin’s girlfriend is also captured.
Movie Review: “Bitch” – A Love-Hate Relationship, Part Two
[yasr_overall_rating] A woman snaps and assumes the psyche of a vicious dog as her checked-out, philandering husband attempts to keep the family together.