In the hilariously raunchy comedy “The People We Hate at the Wedding,” dysfunctional American siblings Alice (Kristen Bell) and Paul (Ben Platt), along with their ever-optimistic mom (Allison Janney), are invited to the British wedding of their estranged half-sister Eloise (Cynthia Addai-Robinson) as a chance for them to reconnect as–more or less–adults, and learn to …
Movie Review: Michelle Pfeiffer Makes Quite An Entrance In “French Exit”
An aging Manhattan socialite living on what’s barely left of her inheritance moves to a small apartment in Paris with her son and cat.
African Diaspora Int’l Film Festival Review: An Alleged Altercation On A Bus Leads To The Murder Of An African Refugee By A Police Officer In “Otomo”
The true story of Otomo, a black man seeking work and asylum in the German city of Stuttgart. However, all he finds is racism, police trouble, and his final destiny.