The prequel series to “Power,” “Power Book III: Raising Kanan – Season 2,” arrives February 20th on Digital from Lionsgate. Season 2 follows Kanan Stark as he faces the truth about his mother, Raquel “Raq” Thomas, and Detective Howard. Kanan soon realizes things are no longer the same as his illusions regarding his family’s lifestyle …
DVD Review: “Power Book III: Raising Kanan – The Complete First Season” Shows How Intimately The Streets Play A Role In Kanan’s Merciless Upbringing
“Power Book III: Raising Kanan” is a prequel set in the 1990s that will chronicle the early years of Kanan Stark, the character first played by executive producer Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson.
Movie Review: “Respect” Gives Aretha Franklin Her Dues As An Icon
Following the rise of Aretha Franklin’s career from a child singing in her father’s church’s choir to her international superstardom, RESPECT is the remarkable true story of the music icon’s journey to find her voice.
Movie Review: “Respect” Shows Every Dimension Of How Real Aretha’s Struggle Was
Following the rise of Aretha Franklin’s career from a child singing in her father’s church’s choir to her international superstardom, RESPECT is the remarkable true story of the music icon’s journey to find her voice.