Movie icons and “Pulp Fiction” co-stars Bruce Willis and John Travolta face off in this action-packed thriller. When bounty hunter Ian Swan (Willis) is shot and presumed dead after disappearing in Maui waters, Swan’s son, Ryan (Blake Jenner), his ex-partner (Stephen Dorff), and a local detective (Praya Lundberg), set out to find his killers. After …
Blu-ray Review: “American Animals” Dissects The American Dream
Four young men mistake their lives for a movie and attempt one of the most audacious heists in U.S. history.
Movie Review: “American Animals” Dissects The American Dream
[yasr_overall_rating] Four young men mistake their lives for a movie and attempt one of the most audacious heists in U.S. history. “They wanted things to come easy to them. They didn’t want to work for a transformative experience. I find them all very selfish,” a crucial character says of the four “American Animal” protagonists. …
Blu-ray Review: “The Vanishing Of Sidney Hall” Weaves An Expertly-Told Cautionary Tale
[yasr_overall_rating] The film follows a young writer who finds himself catapulted to unexpected fame after publishing a novel based on the death of one of his high school classmates. Spiraling out of control, he disappears without a trace.
Blu-ray Review: “The Edge Of Seventeen” Matures Into One Of The Best Films Of The Past Decade
[yasr_overall_rating] High-school life gets even more unbearable for Nadine when her best friend, Krista, starts dating her older brother.
Movie Review: “The Edge Of Seventeen” Matures Into One Of The Best Films Of The Year
[yasr_overall_rating] High-school life gets even more unbearable for Nadine when her best friend, Krista, starts dating her older brother.
Movie Review: Linklater Hits A Grand Slam With “Everybody Wants Some”