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Movie Review: “Walter” Is Therapeutic Only If You Understand The Craziness


A ticket-taker at the local cinema believes he is the son of God. He has agreed to decide the eternal fate of everyone he comes in to contact with.

Other than the familiarity of the back and forth quirks involving teens working together in a movie theater, this film hints at nothing to make you want to grab some popcorn and a soda and ease back into your seat. Walter Gary Benjamin (Andrew West) stars as the “chosen one” who has been given the gift of deciding who is going to heaven or hell. This God-given gift would seem pretty cool except the obsessive-compulsiveness that comes along with it immediately distracts from the awesomeness of the gift itself.

Wally (as his friends call him) has settled into a mundane life of eating scrambled eggs, going to work and following an insane pattern of time-centered consistency that revolves around his overprotective and dysfunctional mother, Karen Benjamin (Virginia Madsen). When a dead man (Justin Kirk) shows up out of nowhere to receive his afterlife reading from Wally, all hell breaks loose as Wally is not able to get a reading because ghosts can’t be read. When Wally can’t shake him loose because of their ties to Wally’s deceased father, he seeks advice from his therapist, Dr. Corman (William H. Macy), in order to find answers.

With lots of humor and a realistic diagnosis, Dr. Corman finds that the source of Wally’s problems revolve around never properly allowing himself to grieve after his father’s death. Once this is realized, Wally is able to reconstruct the relationship with his mother and go after the girl of his dreams and fellow co-worker, Kendall (Leven Rambin). With such a powerful lesson at the end, it’s almost senseless that anyone has to endure the craziness in the bulk of the film in order to get to it. Even with a cast of well known actors including Neve Campbell and Peter Facinelli in supporting roles, there is a lot lost in translation.

Opens in NY, LA, and on VOD March 13th


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Tracee Bond

Tracee is a movie critic and interviewer who was born in Long Beach and raised in San Diego, California. As a Human Resource Professional and former Radio Personality, Tracee has parlayed her interviewing skills, interest in media, and crossover appeal into a love for the Arts and a passion for understanding the human condition through oral and written expression. She has been writing for as long as she can remember and considers it a privilege to be complimented for the only skill she has been truly able to master without formal training!