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Movie Review: “Vikings: The Berserkers” Is Bad, Bad, Bad


In Dark Ages Britain, a group of young Saxons are captured by a clan of fearsome Viking warriors and used as prey in a ritualistic manhunt.

Although deemed a Medieval “Hunger Games,” do not expect the heroism and allure of a Katniss Everdeen or a cohesive plot that isn’t full of constant grunting or screaming. “Viking: The Berserkers” is not even the good kind of bad like the Syfy fiascos of “Sharknado,” or my personal favorite “Piranhaconda” (complete with ridiculous theme song and all), “Viking: The Berserkers” is just bad. From the clothes, to the false teeth, and the incoherent and constant grunting from the Viking warriors there is no redeeming what may have started out as a halfway decent idea.

After a Viking clan raids a village, capturing a handful of people, they prepare these people for a hunt, where they are the hunters and the people are the hunted. The goal for the Viking warriors is to hunt the people down and cut out their hearts. Five total are needed for a ritual, led by a bizarre priestess, or The Volva (Kezia Burrows), who has her eye on the golden child of the group, Wade (Sol Heras) who recently watched his father murdered by these people. He is our hero, and yet there is nothing identifiably heroic about him other than he’s not physically inept, crippled by fear, or a jerk like some of the other captives.

Once the captives are set loose into the woods, the warriors partake in some herbal drugs that make them foam at the mouth and convulse, and once fully rabid on Viking meth it’s a hunting they do go. The grunting and screaming never stops from here on out as the weak willed and bad natured are caught first. As the Vikings run low on their special mix of herbal drugs, they become weak and our hero Wade and his companion, Alden (Amber Jean Rowan) pick up on this and eventually after a few battles, head back to the main camp and then everyone gets cracked out on this herb and things get messy. In the end, the captors are now captives and you sit there wondering, “What did I just watch?”

It’s one of those films that in another day and age you may have picked up at your local Blockbuster or Hollywood Video because the cover looked cool or the synopsis on the back sounded promising but five minutes in you know you made a mistake and there’s no going back because it’s a toss up between your time or the $3.99 you just spent.

Available on DVD and on GOOGLE PLAY


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