Movie Reviews

Movie Review: “The Broken Hearts Gallery” Is A Highly-Infectious Romantic Comedy That Will Have You Drooling Relentlessly Over Whatnots


After a break-up, a young woman decides to start a gallery where people can leave trinkets from past relationships.

Lucy Gulliver (Geraldine Viswanathan) is adorable. While she appears onscreen as one of the latest versions of the overly-toxic energizer bunny, she appeals to all as the hopeless romantic who is the victim of her own circumstances. As the film opens, Lucy is so busy drowning in her own failed-relationship sorrow, that she hails what appears to be an Uber driver, but in reality, is just a regular guy in a car just cruising by trying to deal with his own life’s misfortune. When she insists that he basically needs to shut up and drive, he begrudgingly decides to continue with the drama and he immediately becomes an unbiased witness to a woman scorned. Lucy’s failed relationship with her boyfriend Max Vora (Utkarsh Ambudkan) becomes the one-sided conversation for the entire trip home. Once the driver, Nick (Dacre Montgomery) pulls over to let her out, she realizes that he really isn’t an Uber driver and in spite of his surreal kindness, she becomes suspicious but is too drunk to argue the point of what appears to be an uncalculated victory. At the end of the day, Lucy finds that not only has she lost the love of her life, but she has also lost her dream job of working as an assistant for the incredibly savvy Businesswoman, Eva Woolf (Bernadette Peters).

Lucy’s friends, Nadine (Phillipa Soo), Amanda (Molly Gordon), and Taylor (Taylor Hill), the kind who seem to support each other through thick and thin, provide all the comfort she needs in order to recuperate, but when Lucy appears to be taking an extended leave from life, the girls have to appeal to their wild sides to convince Lucy that moving on requires getting rid of mementos that remind her of every person she needs to forget.

The film takes an interesting turn when Lucy runs into her ex, Max, and his new girlfriend and tries to make a scene, but not before Nick shows up out of nowhere and keeps her from embarrassing herself. After a few odd run-ins, they decide to start over from their initial meeting and through a series of awkward events, come to realize that they could do something together with their misfortunes. Nick’s sporadic refurbishing of a building and Lucy’s need to find a place to exhibit her mementos from lost loves, come crashing together in a tear-jerking and hilarious turnabout. In the end, Nick’s understated sexiness and Lucy’s over-the-top tenacity, finally come together in a heartwarming love story for the ages. The seemingly mismatched couple finally find in each other exactly what they have spent their lives looking for.

Although the film has a primarily young cast, it is filled with elements of nostalgia and reminders of simple ways in which people can have fun while navigating from the heart instead of the head. It also provides an outlet for redeeming a collective spirit of brokenness that everyone feels from time to time while appealing to human nature with humor, intuition, and emotion. This highly-infectious comedy will have you rooting for the underdog while drooling over whatnots that each of us has haphazardly collected at some point in our ruptured romances!


In Select Theaters Friday, September 11th


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Tracee Bond

Tracee is a movie critic and interviewer who was born in Long Beach and raised in San Diego, California. As a Human Resource Professional and former Radio Personality, Tracee has parlayed her interviewing skills, interest in media, and crossover appeal into a love for the Arts and a passion for understanding the human condition through oral and written expression. She has been writing for as long as she can remember and considers it a privilege to be complimented for the only skill she has been truly able to master without formal training!