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Movie Review: “Smash: Motorized Mayhem” Squashes Any Stereotypes About Wheels On A Bus


In rural Florida, blue-collar folks gather to witness a bi-annual wild event, Figure-8 School Bus Racing! Nineteen full-size school buses pack a puny 3/8-mile figure-8 track and race 20 harrowing laps to crown a victor.

Friday and Saturday nights are no longer the same in this quaint town that has put itself on the map with its infamous “Redneck Rodeo”. This self-proclaimed title describes the activities of a few adventurous men (Dan Nerone, Chuck Rush, Ben Craft, Bush Pierce) who began entertaining themselves and a small crowd of race enthusiasts by having Figure-8 School Bus racing which consists of laps around a small track in full-sized, decorated and fully-charged school buses. While not to be interpreted as a Demolition Derby, the participants smash their way through to the finish line by trying to outmaneuver their counterparts, and at times, collateral damage just becomes a part of the process.

The bi-annual event which has grown to over 8,000 spectators, and boasts of no major injuries, has been compared to NASCAR racing and has become a serious contention for the competitive group as well as a vital source of revenue for the Orlando Speedway. Chuck Rush, affectionately known as “Junkyard Dog,” is Coordinator Dan Nerone’s right-hand man, as well as a mechanic at the speedway, who keeps the 15-20 buses in tip-top shape for racing. While all of the men put serious time and attention into upping their game as drivers, Chuck found a way to outshine his peers by marrying his soulmate right there at the track. While the men carry on both on and off the racetrack, they are quick to give Bucky Buckham, their deceased founder, the credit for introducing them to the mayhem and sharing his passion with others.

In speaking with Director Kevin J. Burroughs, the message behind the mayhem, is that a true feeling of sportsmanship can go a long way in creating and building a legacy that has been creatively established by everyday people looking to have good, clean, smashing fun.

Available on Video On Demand and iTunes March 21st


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Tracee Bond

Tracee is a movie critic and interviewer who was born in Long Beach and raised in San Diego, California. As a Human Resource Professional and former Radio Personality, Tracee has parlayed her interviewing skills, interest in media, and crossover appeal into a love for the Arts and a passion for understanding the human condition through oral and written expression. She has been writing for as long as she can remember and considers it a privilege to be complimented for the only skill she has been truly able to master without formal training!