Movie Reviews

Movie Review: “Puzzle” Breaks Out Of Its Comfort Zone Piece By Piece


Agnes, taken for granted as a suburban mother, discovers a passion for solving jigsaw puzzles which unexpectedly draws her into a new world – where her life unfolds in ways she could never have imagined.

Puzzles are meant to both relax you and boggle your mind. Who knew that an ordinary pastime could represent so much? Agnes (Kelly Macdonald) is a shy woman who takes care of her family but often puts them first. As seen at the beginning of the film, she is clearing all the plates and cleaning up trash from her own birthday party. She senses that something is missing from her life but doesn’t quite know what it is. Someone gifts her a new iPhone for her birthday and she doesn’t seem at all excited. Then she sees a puzzle and immediately falls in love.

After completing the puzzle, she gets on a train to Manhattan. She goes on a spontaneous adventure in the Big Apple to find the place where her aunt purchased the puzzle that woke her spirit. You can really see the delight and pleasure that puzzles bring to her life. She suddenly realizes that she is not just a housewife. While discovering her truth she meets a fellow puzzle lover, Robert (Irrfan Khan). His tragic story of why he loves puzzles brings him and Agnes closer.

Before watching this film, I thought it was going to be extremely boring. However, it is less about the actual puzzle but more of how it makes the pieces of life come together. Director Mark Turtletaub, who also directed well-loved “Little Miss Sunshine,” does an amazing job throughout the film. He puts a nice spin on the loose remake of “Rompecabezas” by Natalia Smirnoff. The family dynamic seemed real as well as Robert and Agnes’. Macdonald shines at showing Agnes’ independence and growth as a woman. I would not be shocked if this was nominated for multiple Oscars next year.

In theaters Friday, August 24th


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