A teenage social media influencer and four teenage outcasts escape a private treatment facility, led by a rebellious transgender young man, go on a life-changing road trip, and discover they have a lot more in common than they ever imagined.
Written, directed and produced by Justin Ward, “Relish” has been described as a modern-day “Breakfast Club” for Gen-Z. That’s an apt comparison. In this case, however, the stakes have been raised. We meet the disaffected five leads not in detention, but rather in a private treatment facility – presumably a more favorable alternative to the traditional mental institution where they would likely have ended up otherwise.
Immediately obvious is that the characters have developed elaborate emotional defenses in the course of their turbulent formative years, and with which they have yet to come to terms. As the group gets to know each other, they begin to learn and identify with each other’s particular challenges that have branded them all as social outcasts.
On more or less a whim, the group decides to break out on what becomes a life-changing road trip. Their quest is the Dreamland Gathering, a 48-hour rave party “to celebrate life and be yourself.”
Tyler DiChiara as Kai, a transgender teenage male, oozes indiscriminate sarcasm that masks his brief lifetime of accumulated pain. Hana Hayes plays a successful social media influencer – a selfie-obsessed object of attention for so many. Mateus Ward is Levi, a failed high school athlete now addicted to painkillers. Rio Mangini as Theo finds himself constantly prone to a sudden onset of panic attacks. Chelsea Zhang as Sawyer, a disinfectant carrying anal-retentive haphephobiac reveals she has previously been abducted by aliens and expects to be again.
The supporting cast proves solid as well. James Morrison as Rich Stratton plays the unscrupulous facility director who berates the male inmates and tries to seduce the rest, including the staff psychiatrist Kristin Harrison (Angel Parker). Diane Delano serves up a droll performance as Officer Roz, head of the campus security. Matthew Nardozzi as Robbie, a staff administrator, reluctantly leads the security detail on the trail to seek out and return the escapees to the Deacon Treatment Facility.
For an independent film, the performances across the board are surprisingly strong. Tyler DiChiara, in particular, shines in his introductory role as a transgender male. Best of all, however, is Brian Wallace in a brief appearance as the intentionally hammy Nova Charise, the owner of a second-hand clothing store full of edgy fashion choices. Wallace delivers a delightful and endearing turn as an avant-garde seemingly plucked directly from the New Orleans French Quarter.
“Relish” presents an appealing tale comprised of an unlikely mix of complicated characters in this renewed version of a classic coming-of-age film. The stars in “The Breakfast Club” went on to become household names for the boomer generation. With a modern score and similar music video sensibilities, this updated take will likely also resonate with Gen-Z viewers in the years to come.
“Relish” had its World Premiere tonight at the 2019 Burbank International Film Festival