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Movie Review: “Aaron’s Blood” Is A Vampire Thriller With A Conscience


Single father Aaron fights to save his 12-year-old hemophiliac son after becoming infected with vampire blood.

“Aaron’s Blood” is about a teenage hemophiliac Tate (Trevor Stovall), who receives a transfusion and then turns into a blood-sucking vampire with a conscience. Tate, who is being raised by a single dad, Aaron (James Martinez), seems to think he has everything under control including the bullying from his schoolmates and how he reconciles his own illness. While his dad seems to have done everything in his power to stay on top of things with regard to his son’s illness, he doesn’t know the whole story behind Tate’s problems at school and the new set of problems that have arisen due to his receiving bad blood.

A local priest who meets Aaron in the chapel at a moment of vulnerability offers to pray for Tate one on one and in that time, manages to transform Tate’s life by turning him into a vampire. Unbeknownst to Aaron, he must save Tate’s life through the taking of other’s lives. This father and son duo, go through many growing pains while establishing an unbreakable bond that brings them closer together while pushing them deeper into a crime-filled cure necessary to combat the effect of the illness.

This 116 minutes of vampire theology has peaks and valleys that make it an interesting piece of work that is strong on relationship-building yet weak on a truly thrilling vampire feasibility scale. Catch it while you can, now on Video On Demand and Digital HD. You’ll certainly be smitten with the bloody conscience of a young man who truly wants to be better, but doesn’t want to hurt anyone in the process.

Check out my Q&A that digs a little deeper into the Father/Son relationship in the film and the real-life relationship between writer/director, Tommy Stovall and his actor son (Trevor Stovall).

Now available on Blu-ray, DVD & On Demand


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1 Comment

  1. […] Trevor Stovall is a young actor who began acting in 2005 and in celebration of his latest movie, the horror thriller “Aaron’s Blood,” about a father’s fight to save his 12-year-old hemophiliac son after becoming infected with vampire blood, I recently had the opportunity to speak with him about the film and acting in general. You can also read my review of the movie here. […]

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Tracee Bond

Tracee is a movie critic and interviewer who was born in Long Beach and raised in San Diego, California. As a Human Resource Professional and former Radio Personality, Tracee has parlayed her interviewing skills, interest in media, and crossover appeal into a love for the Arts and a passion for understanding the human condition through oral and written expression. She has been writing for as long as she can remember and considers it a privilege to be complimented for the only skill she has been truly able to master without formal training!