Set against the backdrop of a changing Harlem landscape, when seventeen-year-old Ayanna meets handsome and mysterious outsider Isaiah, her entire world is turned upside down on her path towards self-discovery as she travails the rigorous terrain of young love the summer before she leaves for college.
The summer before her first year in college, Ayanna (Zora Howard) meets and falls in love with an aspiring music producer named Isaiah (Joshua Boone). As the relationship deepens and becomes more complex, Ayanna is afraid but takes a chance on seeing where it goes as Isaiah slowly pulls back. As she tries to make sense of her future and her future with Isaiah, things heat up between the two and he suggests they take a break. When she discovers she is pregnant, she suffers in silence hiding it from Isaiah and her family. The innocence of what was once young love slip away transforming into life-altering adulthood and Ayanna prepares to go off to college forever changed.
I absolutely love this film. It is honest, real and deals with the dynamics of the true coming-of-age situations that we have either gone through ourselves or know someone close to us who has. This story reveals how falling in love is beautiful, especially when you are young, discovering the world and having someone to take that ride with you, but it can also be scary as adult situations like pregnancy forced Ayanna to look at her life in a whole new way. There are many scenes in the film that opens up a dialog about love, adulthood, responsibility, fear, and expectations in relationships. This should definitely be on your must-see film list!
In Select Theaters Friday, February 21st