Commemorate the 35th anniversary of “Glory,” the heart-stopping story of the first Black regiment to fight for the North in the Civil War, starring Matthew Broderick, Denzel Washington, Cary Elwes, and Morgan Freeman. Broderick and Elwes are the idealistic young Bostonians who lead the regiment; Freeman is the inspirational sergeant who unites the troops; and Denzel Washington, in an Academy Award®-winning performance (1989, Best Supporting Actor), is the runaway slave who embodies the indomitable spirit of the 54th Regiment of Massachusetts.
Bonus Materials:
4K Ultra HD™ Disc:
• Restored from the original camera negative, presented in 4K resolution with Dolby Vision
• English Dolby Atmos + 5.1 + 2-channel surround
Special Features:
• Visual Feature-Length Commentary
• Theatrical Trailer
Blu-ray™ Disc:
• Feature presented in high-definition
• English Dolby TrueHD 5.1 audio
Special Features:
• Director’s Commentary
• Deleted Scenes with Commentary
• Virtual Civil War Battlefield Interactive Map
• “The True Story Continues” Documentary
• “The Voices of Glory” Featurette
• “The Making of Glory” Featurette
Available on 4K Ultra HD™ June 4th