4K/Blu-ray/DVD/Digital Reviews

DVD Review: “PJ Masks: Butterfly Brigade” Is A Cute Show To Keep Young Kids Entertained


Preschoolers all shout hooray when they join the trio of heroes, Catboy, Owlette, and Gekko, on their nighttime adventures as they work together to stop the baddies and save the day! When Luna Girl pushes her moths aside and steals butterflies to be her new sidekicks, can Catboy learn to make friends with the butterflies and stop her? And Owlette is so amazed by Night Ninja’s new school bus fortress, she forgets all of the reasons why she loves the PJ Masks HQ! Young viewers will enjoy six super adventures in the newest PJ Masks DVD, “PJ Masks: Butterfly Brigade.”

If kindergartners could think beyond eating Lunchables and not cleaning their room, they would want to be just like these masked and pajamaed crusaders. Connor, Amaya, and Greg enroll in school during the day but at night, they solve mysteries and catch problematic preschoolers. Us adults know no kid this age can actually focus long enough to finish a picture book, let alone solve a mystery but hey, this show is the dream. Vigilante is a valid career choice for young children.

The beauty of this show is the adult superhero elements in a fun-size episode for a kid. Think of a car like the Bat-mobile but with no license required unless you count a backseat driver. While the plot’s cute, this isn’t a show you will want to sit around and binge-watch with your kids. View this as more a show to put on for your child so you can finish a report or maybe finally mop the kitchen floor. Your three-year-old will be entertained though which is kind of the point of PJ Masks. Let your little one suit up in a zip-up onesie just like these little vigilantes.

Each episode comes with two minisodes just like most other Disney Junior shows. See, even Disney knows about the legendary non-existent focus of preschoolers. What I want to know is why kids DVDs don’t come in full seasons like adult television shows. Can you imagine getting a disc with just six episodes of “Game of Thrones” or “Blackish”? No. You buy the whole season! Yet, when kids shows release they come with just six episodes. This one takes from season one just in case you were curious.

The episodes follow logical plots. Three kids run into trouble, investigate, suit up in animal shaped pajamas, follow the clues, take out the bad guys with no bloodshed, then back to their house for nap or bedtime. Of course, each episode is slightly different but children will thrive on the stability of this show. Not to mention the cool ninja moves, inspector gadget-style tools, and the teamwork. How do these kids get along without fighting? Maybe they could come talk to my daughter’s class and give a few pointers. Just saying. If nothing else proved the show was fictional, kids getting along without throwing sippy cups drives the point home.

A few of the episodes caught my attention. One was a little too close to home. Everyone was hit with a case of clumsy. Like a bunch of kids drunk on Ovaltine stumbling over their own two feet. All because of a preschooler with a degree in engineering and some mad skills. The episode the DVD is named after – Butterfly Brigade – wasn’t super interesting. Although, the butterflies worked together to point and annoy a kid who pushed their buttons was rather amusing. Beyond these minisodes, the little superheroes save a museum, stop mind control, save a bird, create a school bus fortress and more. All in a days work for these kiddos. Sure to keep your little one entertained long enough to drink a cup of coffee in peace.


Now available on DVD


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