Book Reviews

Book Review: Caitlin Mullen’s ‘Please See Us’ Is A Riveting Read


In this sophisticated, suspenseful debut reminiscent of Laura Lippman and Chloe Benjamin, two young women become unlikely friends during one fateful summer in Atlantic City as mysterious disappearances hit dangerously close to home.

I have seldom read a book that portrays the depth and heartache that the characters in this epic tale of beauty and evil, show. A man has decided to kill seven women and you are allowed to get to know them and you understand that they are going to die and it frightens and hurts you. Atlantic City, once a city of bright dreams, easy money, easy women, and now easily killed.

Youn Clara reads tarot cards and shares a place with Des. Their dreams are very different, Clara wants to find her mother and Des needs another fix. Clara is persuaded to entertain men because of her age, being under sixteen and Des can get good money for her fix and Clara can save to go find her mother. Their little shop is on the boardwalk and most of the shops there are closed and not many people come to Atlantic City any more.

The dead are desperate not to die and to be forgotten. Clara occasionally gets visions and she knows that there is something wrong. Author Caitlin Mullen draws the lives of the women to perfection and the background of the casinos and seedy motels are very realistic. You feel like you are right there, and that you truly know the women. It was written so well and the drawing of the characters was top-notch. As a debut novel, I am astonished at the depth that went into this story. I give it 5 stars as it is very well recommended.


Available in Bookstores March 3rd

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Ann McDonald

Ann is originally from Dublin, Ireland and currently lives in Dallas, Texas. She was the secretary to the National Symphony Orchestra of Ireland for many years and is an avid book reader and reviewer.