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Blu-ray Review: “Veep: The Complete Fifth Season” Shows That Comedy Can Still Be Strong Even After 5 Years Of Impeccable Performances


Former Senator Selina Meyer finds that being Vice President of the United States is nothing like she hoped and everything that everyone ever warned her about.

There are very few comedies that would catch your attention these days and with the better batch of series going off the air, a viewer really has to struggle to find good material. This isn’t to say the material isn’t available, it’s just that the options that exist aren’t up to par with what could be considered great.

This is where the fifth season of “Veep” steps in and takes the reigns. This is the series that has constantly upped the ante season after season and this fifth season is no different. One thing to keep in mind before you watch this season is that it is packed with incredible comedic gold. Dreyfus is incredible this time around. Not that she was missing anything in past seasons it just seems like her comedic timing and her mental and physical presence add so much more to the show this time around and that is a godsend, seeing as how the shows creator is sitting on the sidelines as a consultant. The show doesn’t have a new direction but it has a point to make in this and Dreyfus leads the charge as a comedic juggernaut playing the ever so jaded Selina Meyer.

As mentioned above, “Veep”’s original creator has stepped aside and has been replaced by David Mandel whose credits include ”Seinfeld” and “SNL.” One can only imagine the daunting task of taking up such an exceptional series, replacing Lannucci, and nailing the responsibility of keeping a show that is entering its elder years in tip top shape. The thing is, you don’t notice the change. “Veep” keeps to its roots in that the comedy comes right at you over and over again. The amount of material that is packed into the 30-minute sessions are incredible. It is honestly a show that feels as though it just makes it up as it goes along and all of the actors are bringing their A game but it’s not that at all. This is what happens when you have a coherent group of people that know how to work. The depth of the cast and the creativity of its producers is what keeps this long in the tooth show ahead of the pack.

Season 5 of “Veep” is expertly done. Every one-liner is perfectly timed, every joke is perfectly paired, and every facial tic is seamless in making you break down in a fit of laughter. In this age of watch when you have time, “Veep” seems to be the only thing that demands your attention and rewards you for providing it.

Now available on Blu-ray & DVD


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