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Blu-ray Review: “Once Upon A Time: The Complete Sixth Season” Is Fun And Fast Paced


A young woman with a troubled past is drawn to a small town in Maine where fairy tales are to be believed.

Fairytales are still alive in Storybrooke along with the Evil Queen in the Complete Sixth Season of “Once Upon A Time.” If you did not follow along over the past year, now is the time to catch up with Emma, Regina, Snow White, and all the other characters we have come to love and hate. This season brings a host of fairytale guests including Dr. Jekyll and Hyde, Monte Cristo, Jasmine and Aladdin, Captain Nemo, and Gold’s and Belle’s new son. No season of Once Upon A Time would be complete without plot twists full of magic; trust me this season delivers plenty of soap opera style ingenuity to keep you hooked on ABC’s most magical show.

Episode one starts with a bang. A boat floats out of the sky before crashing into the forest near town, full of all the characters whose stories have not been told. People sweep through the town filling the nooks and crannies as their stories unravel. But first, all of the old characters make a reappearance to refresh our memories: Emma is still in love with Captain Hook. Rumple is still working on waking pregnant Belle up from her slumber from last season. Henry now has three mothers. And Snow White and Prince Charming are raising their infant son.

The rest of the twenty-two episodes bring in a whirlwind of new characters and familiar faces. Monte Cristo makes a brief appearance as does Cinderella, along with their backstories. Jekyll and Hyde work with the group to rid the town of Storybrooke from the Evil Queen. Jasmine from Agrabah shares her secrets with the group: how she met Aladdin and lost her home to the dastardly Jafar. With the help of the team, she manages to find a lamp to help not just herself but also the Evil Queen. Emma, who keeps having visions of her own death, is sent back to an alternate reality as if the original curse had never happened.

Hook is kidnapped by Captain Nemo and taken 20,000 leagues under the sea to reunite with his brother. Emma and Regina spend some time locked in a mirror as the Evil Queen plots their demise along with Snow White’s death. With everything else happening, Regina fights with her sister Zelena who just wants to take care of her infant daughter Robin and learn to drive a car. Regina takes a break to rescue Emma from the alternate reality and ends up finding her one true love, who she brings back home through a magical portal along with Emma. Oh, and a new spin on the sleeping beauty curse just might ruin Snow White and Prince Charming’s happy marriage.

Take a breath; there is so much more going on. The Black Fairy is the newest villain to set the tone of this season. Belle is forced to speed up her pregnancy and give birth several months early before parting with her son. New character Gideon works with the Black Fairy to ruin everyone’s lives, to bring in a new curse, and to set the final battle along with the last chapter of Henry’s book into motion. First, we get a glimpse of most to of the main characters backstories, building upon the many different renditions given up to this point. Along the way, favorite characters visit including Ariel (my favorite!), Tinkerbell, Tiger Lily, and the Tin Man. Secrets bubble to the surface as the town of Fairytales work together to end darkness once and for all and find their happily-ever-afters just in time for a wedding.

Always a lover of fairy tales and Disney, I found this season to be spot on with the quality and storyline necessary to create a successful break from reality. All of the characters are relentless in their ability entertain and pull out the magic floating around their myths. Even if you have missed a few seasons, season six provides enough information about the past to allow you to just step into the show right here. A few questions remain to be answered though. The first being is the show over or will there be a season seven? Yes, there will be, and this coming season will start out very much like the first season. The other remaining question is why do all the children in this show look older than their parents? While there were two babies on this show, neither Zelena’s daughter Robin or Snow’s son Neal received a whole lot of the limelight, which I believe will be fixed in the new season this fall.

This five Blu-ray disc set also includes some fantastic bonus material including a blooper reel, commentary on the fantastic musical episode (Hook’s song is the best, but an enjoyable episode overall, and the cast did all their own singing), and deleted scenes. Let the continuing soap opera of fairy tales continue and find out what evil is to come next!

Now available on Blu-ray & DVD


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