A humorous and heartfelt look back at the adventures of childhood starring Neil Patrick Harris (“A Series of Unfortunate Events,” “The Matrix Resurrections,” “The Smurfs” films). Set in suburban Chicago in the late 1980s, the story centers on ten‐year‐old Jake Doyle’s herculean quest to get the latest and greatest video game system for Christmas.
Special Features:
• 8-Bit Miracles Making-of Featurette
• Character Series
♦ Adult Jake Doyle
♦ Young Jake Doyle
♦ Mikey Trotter
♦ Hodges Twins
♦ Evan Olsen
♦ Jeff Farmer
Starring Neil Patrick Harris, Winslow Fegley, June Diane Raphael, David Cross, and Steve Zahn.
Written by Kevin Jakubowski.
Based on the novel ‘8-Bit Christmas’ by Kevin Jakubowski.
Directed by Michael Dowse.
Available on DVD October 18th and on Digital November 1st