A humorous and heartfelt look back at the adventures of childhood starring Neil Patrick Harris (“A Series of Unfortunate Events,” “The Matrix Resurrections,” “The Smurfs” films). Set in suburban Chicago in the late 1980s, the story centers on ten‐year‐old Jake Doyle’s herculean quest to get the latest and greatest video game system for Christmas.
“8-Bit Christmas” Arrives Exclusively On HBO Max November 24
From New Line Cinema and HBO Max comes “8-Bit Christmas,” a humorous and heartfelt look back at the adventures of childhood. Set in suburban Chicago in the late 1980s, the story centers on ten-year-old Jake Doyle’s herculean quest to get the latest and greatest video game system for Christmas.
Blu-ray Review: “Stuber” Doesn’t Get That 5-Star Rating
A detective recruits his Uber driver into an unexpected night of adventure.
Movie Review: “Stuber” Doesn’t Get That 5-Star Rating
A detective recruits his Uber driver into an unexpected night of adventure.