4K/Blu-ray/DVD/Digital Reviews

DVD Review: “The Snow Queen: Mirrorlands” Gives Us A Reflective Approach To The Myths Behind Magic


After a powerful king traps all the world’s magicians in the Mirrorlands, Gerda battles to keep magic alive through kindness and friendship.

In Gerda’s world, magic is everything. Throughout her entire life, as a young girl, she has been surrounded by magic which she thought was the key to success in life. Not only were her parents blessed with the ability to perform magic, but her only brother was gifted as well. Because of this perceived imperfection, Gerda felt that she was not the best person she could be because everyone and everything in her community seemed to have been touched by the goddesses of magic, with the exception of her and the King. In this fairytale setting, the King who was the most powerful in the land was not a fan of magic after the Snow Queen’s evil actions to his family and found a way to get rid of all the magicians by tricking them into thinking they were going to a place called the Mirrorlands, where magic was greatly needed. Once they stepped into the Mirrorlands, they would be lost forever in a place where the Snow Queen had been banished to.

When Gerda realizes what she is up against, she decides that she must also step into the Mirrorlands and face the Snow Queen, who is someone she has feared because of their previous encounters before the Snow Queen was banished from the land. It is immediately apparent that neither trust each other and they have to find a way to get past their own issues in order to be able to conquer the King and make life better for both of them. While Gerda keeps thinking she will have to have magical talents in order to get her family back, the Snow Queen assures her that at the right time, she will have the right amount of power to be in control.

Gerda’s fight with the king is a long battle, however, the King’s son, who doesn’t think that his dad is doing the right thing by misleading the magicians, helps Gerda to navigate some areas behind his back so she can make progress in getting her family safely back.

What eventually comes down to a battle of wits, involves a lot of teamwork and compassion from Gerda’s inner circle of friends, which now include the Snow Queen, who ends up being very helpful to Gerda once she realizes she doesn’t want to continue to be the woman with the ice-cold personality that everyone dreads. Directors Aleksey Tsitsilin and Robert Lence do a great job with creating scenery that supports a fairytale atmosphere with a sense of adventure. The scenes of travel create imagery that makes everything look magical but also seem purposeful and realistic in creating the storyline that gives us a reflective approach to the myths behind magic. Both children and adults can appreciate the family-friendly storyline that results in a pleasant ending for two females who thought neither had anything more to offer to improve their lives and save others in the process.


Now available on DVD and Digital HD


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Tracee Bond

Tracee is a movie critic and interviewer who was born in Long Beach and raised in San Diego, California. As a Human Resource Professional and former Radio Personality, Tracee has parlayed her interviewing skills, interest in media, and crossover appeal into a love for the Arts and a passion for understanding the human condition through oral and written expression. She has been writing for as long as she can remember and considers it a privilege to be complimented for the only skill she has been truly able to master without formal training!