Struggling screenwriter Ken McDavid is living on the streets of Los Angeles hoping that an upcoming writing job will be his big break. Unfortunately, life takes a turn for the worse and McDavid dies suddenly after a hit and run accident. But when police learn the impoverished victim has a million dollar life insurance policy suspicions arise. Could the beneficiaries, two seemingly innocent grannies, actually be cold blooded killers?
The tragic, real-life events that are depicted in Reelz Channel’s “Demons in the City of Angels,” seem, quite literally, like they were taken straight out of a Hollywood screenplay so it is very fitting that the story deals with a man by the name of Ken McDavid, a budding screenwriter and filmmaker who moved to Hollywood during the 1980s to pursue his passion. Having been inspired by Sylvester Stallone and his meteoric climb to fame, which started with “Rocky,” a movie he not only starred in but wrote as well, McDavid was determined to be the next Stallone.
He took odd jobs within the film industry but over time, he grew more and more frustrated with the constant rejection he received on a daily basis and eventually, ended up homeless and living on the streets. At a homeless shelter in Los Angeles, he met and befriended two elderly ladies, who, at a later time, offered him a place to stay. Shortly thereafter, McDavid was found dead in an alley, apparently the victim of a hit-and-run but with no witnesses, the case eventually went cold.
Some time later, a police detective who was working the case, received a phone call from an insurance company, claiming that the deceased supposedly had a million dollar policy on him. For a homeless man with no money and no assets, the detective found this odd and dug a little deeper. Apparently, the two beneficiaries on the policy, were listed as his fiancée and his cousin. Nothing wrong with that but when another detective found out about it, he claimed that he had a similar case back in 1999 which involved another dead homeless man and the two beneficiaries on his policy, were registered as his fiancée and his cousin.
With the two elderly ladies from the homeless shelter now considered suspects in a mail fraud case, the police had to ask themselves one question: were they also cold-blooded killers? This is the series premiere and each one-hour episode takes viewers through the twists and turns of murder investigations that stunned the entertainment world.
Reelz Channel continues to produce high-quality series that are both comprehensive and significant and “Demons in the City of Angels” is another welcome addition.
Series Premiere tonight on Reelz Channel at 9/8c