The story tells the tale of a young Rudolph who, because of the appearance of his bright, shining nose, is ousted from the reindeer games in Christmas-town. He flees town, meets up with new friends Hermey and Yukon, and a series of funny and endearing adventures ensue including a visit to The Island of Misfit Toys.
“Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” has only one goal in mind: to entertain. Sometimes, a movie or play can house elements that delight both adults and children but this show is all about the kids. And that’s fine by me because it had been over twenty years since I saw this production live on stage and it brought back a flood of happy memories from when I was a kid back in Dublin, Ireland. Watching the children around me, interact, sing and clap along with the characters on stage, made the night even more fulfilling and there’s a special magic that only children possess that comes to life when they are enthralled and spellbound by the story and songs happening onstage, and believe me, it’s contagious.
Based on the animated television special and the stage production directed and conceived by Jeff Frank and First Stage, the story finds elves, reindeers, toys, and of course, Santa and Mrs. Claus living in Christmas Town in the North Pole. When Santa’s reindeer Donner and his wife give birth to a fawn they name Rudolph, they are elated but as he grows up, his nose has a tendency to shine bright red at the most inopportune times and constantly attracts the unwelcome attention of the Abominable Snowman so feeling like a misfit and not wanting to put his family and friends in danger, Rudolph decides to leave home along with another misfit, Hermey the Elf.
Hermey doesn’t like to make toys but would rather be a dentist. On their journeys, they meet Yukon Cornelius, a prospector who dreams of discovering silver and gold and together, all three discover the island of Misfit Toys, a sanctuary where defective and unwanted toys are sent. As a big storm moves in, Rudolph and the gang find out that Santa will have to cancel Christmas with no way of flying through the inclement weather and so the trio must make their way back to Christmas Town so Rudolph can guide Santa’s sleigh and save Christmas. The production was vibrant and full of vivid colors and the musical numbers were melodic and imaginative and had everyone singing in the aisles. My sister and ten year-old nephew accompanied me and because he had never seen a live show before, it was stirring to see him react to the assortment of characters and songs onstage. Highly recommended for the entire family.
Now playing at the Music Hall at Fair Park in Dallas through November 27th