A notorious criminal must break an evil curse in order to rescue an abducted girl who has mysteriously disappeared.
Blu-ray Review: Vestron Video Collector’s Series Releases “The Wraith” To Remind Us Just How Cheesy The ’80s Could Be
After a young man is murdered by a road-racing gang of motor-heads, a mysterious fast-driving spirit descends from the sky to take revenge.
Blu-ray Review: “Blind Fury” Is Everything You’d Expect From A Late ’80s Action Movie, Both The Good And The Bad
A blind Vietnam vet, trained as a swordfighter, comes to America and helps to rescue the son of a fellow soldier.
Sundance Film Festival Review: Nicolas Cage Pays Homage To John Carpenter & Snake Plissken In “Prisoners Of The Ghostland”
A notorious criminal must break an evil curse in order to rescue an abducted girl who has mysteriously disappeared.