After mysteriously inheriting an abandoned coastal property, Ben and his family accidentally unleash an ancient, long-dormant creature that terrorized the entire region — including his own ancestors — for generations.
Movie Review: Scott Walker’s “The Tank” Delivers The Scares In Good Old-Fashioned Horror Film
After mysteriously inheriting an abandoned coastal property, Ben and his family accidentally unleash an ancient, long-dormant creature that terrorized the entire region — including his own ancestors — for generations.
Scott Walker’s Creature Feature, “The Tank,” Arrives In Theaters April 21
After mysteriously inheriting an abandoned coastal property, Ben and his family accidentally unleash an ancient, long-dormant creature that terrorized the entire region — including his own ancestors—for generations.
Movie Review: Kiwi Comical Road Trip “Pork Pie” Keeps The Wheels In Motion
[yasr_overall_rating] “Pork Pie” tracks the escapades of a trio of accidental outlaws as they travel the length of the New Zealand in a yellow mini, protesting conformity and chasing lost love, with a posse of cops and a media frenzy hot in their pursuit.