HBO Original documentary film BEING MARY TYLER MOORE, directed by Emmy® winning filmmaker James Adolphus (“Soul of a Nation”) and produced by Lena Waithe (“A Thousand and One”), Debra Martin Chase (“Harriet”), and Ben Selkow (HBO’s “Q: Into The Storm”), debuts this May on HBO and will be available to stream on HBO Max.
Blu-ray Review: “Ordinary People” Showcases A Classic Film That Still Resonates Over Forty Years Later
The accidental death of the older son of an affluent family deeply strains the relationships among the bitter mother, the good-natured father, and the guilt-ridden younger son.
Directed By Robert Redford, The Academy Award®-Winning Classic, “Ordinary People,” Arrives In A Newly Remastered Blu-ray™ March 29
Robert Redford made his directorial debut with the critically acclaimed drama “Ordinary People,” arriving on Blu-ray as part of the Paramount Presents line March 29th from Paramount Home Entertainment.