Follow an epic love story and political thriller that unfolds in the era of McCarthyism and resolves in the age of AIDS, exploring the intertwined lives and volatile romance of two very different men, Hawkins “Hawk” Fuller, and Tim Laughlin, as they love each other for thirty-five years, through purges, wars, protests, and plagues, overcoming …
Movie Review: The Biggest Crime “My Policeman” Commits It That It Is Bland And Uninspiring
Tom Burgess, a policeman, is gay. Marion, a schoolteacher, falls in love with him nonetheless. So does Patrick Hazelwood, a museum curator. Because of the social constraints of the era, Tom and Marion get married, even though Tom is only in love with Patrick.
Movie Review: “The Last Full Measure” Could Have Been A Great Film If It Pulled Out All The Stops
Thirty-four years after his death, Airman William H. Pitsenbarger, Jr. (“Pits”) is awarded the nation’s highest military honor, for his actions on the battlefield.
TV Review: “Vikings: Season 5” Returns With Battles & Transformations Aplenty
“Vikings” transports us to the brutal and mysterious world of Ragnar Lothbrok, a Viking warrior and farmer who yearns to explore – and raid – the distant shores across the ocean.
Blu-ray Review: “Mandy” Is Far Out There But With A Worthwhile Conclusion
[usr 2.5] The enchanted lives of a couple in a secluded forest are brutally shattered by a nightmarish hippie cult and their demon-biker henchmen, propelling a man into a spiraling, surreal rampage of vengeance.
Movie Review: “Innocence” Is Lackluster And Overly Repetitious