Tensions flare in the near future aboard the International Space Station as a conflict breaks out on Earth. Reeling, the U.S. and Russian astronauts receive orders from the ground: take control of the station by any means necessary.
Movie Review: “Gone In The Night” Is Too Confident In Its Reveal
When Kath and her boyfriend arrive at a remote cabin in the redwoods, they find a mysterious younger couple already there. Her boyfriend disappears with the young woman, and Kath becomes obsessed with finding an explanation.
Emma Roberts Is “Abandoned” In Theaters June 17
“Abandoned” follows the sharply intense lives of Sara (Emma Roberts), her husband Alex (John Gallagher Jr.), and their infant son as they move into a remote farmhouse, which harbors a dark, tragic history. As their home’s past is revealed, the mother’s fragility escalates to a state of psychosis that jeopardizes her own safety and that …
Movie Review: “Come Play” Starts Off Promisingly But Gradually Loses Steam
Parents fight to save their son when a mysterious creature uses his electronic devices to break into our world. Spoilers Ahead!
Movie Review: “Come Play” Invites You To Join The Spooky Fun
Parents fight to save their son when a mysterious creature uses his electronic devices to break into our world.
Blu-ray Review: “Underwater” Is A Decent Creature-Feature That Suffers From A Lack Of Character Development
A crew of aquatic researchers work to get to safety after an earthquake devastates their subterranean laboratory. But the crew has more than the ocean seabed to fear.
Movie Review: “Underwater” Is A Decent Creature-Feature That Suffers From A Lack Of Character Development
A crew of aquatic researchers work to get to safety after an earthquake devastates their subterranean laboratory. But the crew has more than the ocean seabed to fear.
Movie Review: “Peppermint” Is A Fun Movie With Great Action But An Unbelievable Story
[yasr_overall_rating] “Peppermint” is a revenge story centering on a young mother who finds herself with nothing to lose, and is now going to take from her enemies the very life they stole from her.
Movie Review: “Peppermint” Is A Tale Of Retribution That Serves Suitably As Escapist Fare
[yasr_overall_rating] “Peppermint” is a revenge story centering on a young mother who finds herself with nothing to lose and is now going to take from her enemies the very life they stole from her.