Keir O’Donnell’s directorial debut, “Marmalade,” is an edge-of-the-seat crime-tinged romance tale that follows recently incarcerated Baron, who strikes up a friendship with cellmate Otis, a man with a well-versed history of prison breaks. As the pair hatch an escape plan together, Baron recalls the story of how he met Marmalade, the love of his life, …
4K Ultra HD Review: Ryan Reynolds & Jodie Comer Light Up The Screen With An Abundance Of Onscreen Chemistry In “Free Guy”
A bank teller discovers that he’s actually an NPC inside a brutal, open-world video game.
Movie Review: Ryan Reynolds & Jodie Comer Light Up The Screen With An Abundance Of Onscreen Chemistry In “Free Guy”
A bank teller discovers that he’s actually an NPC inside a brutal, open-world video game.
Movie Review: “Free Guy” Unshackles Itself From Hollywood Convention… For The Most Part
A bank teller discovers that he’s actually an NPC inside a brutal, open-world video game.