“The Monkey King” is an action-packed family comedy that follows a rebellious and charismatic Monkey and his magical fighting Stick on an epic quest for victory over 100 demons, an eccentric Dragon King, and Monkey’s greatest foe of all — his own ego! Along the way, a young village girl challenges his self-centered attitude and …
Bring Home Stand-Up Comedy Sensation Jo Koy’s Cinematic Debut When “Easter Sunday” Arrives On Blu-ray™ & DVD October 18
Universal City, CA – October 3, 2022 – Riotous bickering, eating, drinking, laughing, and loving reign supreme in “Easter Sunday” starring acclaimed comedian Jo Koy (“Jo Koy: In His Elements,” “Jo Koy: Comin’ in Hot”) as a man returning home for an Easter celebration with his loving and uproariously unpredictable family. “Easter Sunday” is available …
Jo Koy Returns Home To See His Family In “Easter Sunday”
Stand-up comedy sensation Jo Koy (“Jo Koy: In His Elements,” “Jo Koy: Comin’ in Hot”) stars as a man returning home for an Easter celebration with his riotous, bickering, eating, drinking, laughing, loving family, in this love letter to his Filipino-American community.