Watch The Trailer For The Highly Anticipated Disney+ Original Movie “Hocus Pocus 2,” Reuniting Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker & Kathy Najimy

Burbank, CA – June 28, 2022 – The trailer for the highly anticipated Disney+ Original movie “Hocus Pocus 2,” reuniting Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Kathy Najimy, is now available. The live-action, long-awaited sequel to the perennial Halloween classic, which brings back the delightfully wicked Sanderson sisters for more comedic mayhem, will debut on …

4K Ultra HD Review: Everyone Needs A Reason To Use Their 4K TV And This New “Pan’s Labyrinth” Re-release Gives You Just That

  Following a bloody civil war, young Ofelia enters a world of unimaginable cruelty when she moves in with her new stepfather, a tyrannical military officer. Armed with only her imagination, Ofelia discovers a mysterious labyrinth and meets a faun who sets her on a path to saving herself and her ailing mother. But soon, …

Blu-ray Review: “The Shape Of Water” Is The Most Unconventional & Enchanting Love Story You’ll Ever See

[yasr_overall_rating]   An other-worldly fairy tale, set against the backdrop of Cold War-era America circa 1962. In the hidden high-security government laboratory where she works, lonely Elisa (Sally Hawkins) is trapped in a life of isolation. Elisa’s life is changed forever when she and co-worker Zelda (Octavia Spencer) discover a secret classified experiment.

Movie Review: “The Shape Of Water” Is The Most Unconventional & Enchanting Love Story You’ll Ever See

[yasr_overall_rating]   An other-worldly fairy tale, set against the backdrop of Cold War-era America circa 1962. In the hidden high-security government laboratory where she works, lonely Elisa (Sally Hawkins) is trapped in a life of isolation. Elisa’s life is changed forever when she and co-worker Zelda (Octavia Spencer) discover a secret classified experiment.