After completing his training, an elite young assassin embarks on his first mission and is quickly entangled in an intricate plot laid by powerful people pulling strings from the shadows. Upon failing to complete the assignment, he is forced to go on the run—from the government and rival assassin groups alike—as he seeks to …
“Code Of The Assassins” Explodes Onto The Martial Arts Streaming Service Hi-YAH! March 3 And On Blu-ray™, DVD, & Digital March 28
Plano, TX – February 27, 2022 – Trained by an elite organization, a young assassin receives his first mission, only to find himself tangled in a covert political intrigue that forces him to go on the run from the government and rival assassin groups alike in the wuxia fantasy action-adventure extravaganza “Code of the Assassins,” …
Blu-ray Review: “The Climbers” Starts Off Promisingly But Quickly Descends Into Mediocrity
The four members of the China Everest Climbing Commando confront the most difficult mount. The first four failures have cost them too much physical strength until the wind and snow stop the gap.
Movie Review: “14 Blades” Slices Its Way Through China