In 1987 during the austere days of Thatcher’s Britain, a teenager learns to live life, understand his family and find his own voice through the music of Bruce Springsteen.
Ade Dina Talks With Director Gurinda Chadha And Star Aaron Phagura About Their Latest Movie “Blinded By The Light”
I recently had the pleasure of sitting with director Gurinda Chadha and actor Aaron Phagura to talk about their latest movie, “Blinded by the Light,” which hits theaters Friday, August 16th. Check it out below.
Movie Review: Bruce Springsteen Gets A Yesterday-Like Homage In “Blinded By The Light”
In 1987 during the austere days of Thatcher’s Britain, a teenager learns to live life, understand his family and find his own voice through the music of Bruce Springsteen.