“The Blessed Ones” shadows a tightly knit cult hiding in a remote desert enclave as they prepare for the impending apocalypse. Two dissenters try to escape through the vast desert wasteland as the cult embarks on a mass suicide pact.
The road to death is right around the corner as the end of the road nears. “The Blessed Ones” combines horror and gore in this enigmatic film. People are followers and true sheep looking for guidance to their liberation. Faith, death, and mystery all surround the charismatic leader of this film but is he truly blessed with the ability to save the lives of others? “The Blessed Ones” show us otherwise in this twisted film.
The movie follows cult members as they prepare for the end of the world with the help of their leader. Father Elyon (Dave Vescio) is a mysterious cult leader in this film who has his followers believe that the end of the world is approaching and they all make a death pact. The death pact is referred to as a spiritual awakening that most members believe, but a few find it to be suspect. The followers are told and in some cases, forced to drink poison to partake in this awakening. Throughout the film, a few renegade cult members band together to find out the truth about Elyon’s claim of their spiritual awakening.
The visual work of the film is fine and the look of “The Blessed Ones” is congenial, however, the script lacks depth and leaves you expecting more. The story feels open-ended and some of the characters lack identity. Father Elyon is the most developed character and personality even lacks meaning. The movie seems doomed from the opening sequence of this film.
“The Blessed Ones” is a nippy film made for weekend viewing and it is one that you can find instant pleasure in if you are trying to waste time. After that pleasure leaves not much more comes from it. The movie, at times, keeps you glued to the screen, but overall, it doesn’t last throughout its entirety.
In the end, it is okay at best but lacks character development. If the characters had deeper meaning I think it could be easier for viewers to watch. The acting in this film is good. The background music tags into the match to play its part. The characters living in the film world just don’t have much to offer to their environment. That one particular thing is the gift of death I feel “The Blessed Ones” was ultimately given by their leader.
Now available on VOD